34,000 VENUES

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Connect with venues, book more gigs and grow your career.

Join the next big thing in the music industry

Start here to get access to our 1,000’s of Gigbooker venues.

Join your fellow artists using Gigbooker

We connect great artists and venues together.


Whether you’re a solo artist, ten-man band, or anything in between, discovering your next gig has never been easier. Cut out the hassle of searching for venues and contact them with ease.


Promoting your own show can be frustrating and difficult. For only $50 A year we help connect musicians to create an experience that people don’t want to miss out on.


Gigbooker is your personal network of venues right at your finger tips! With access to thousands of venues all around the country, you never have to worry about running out of venues again.


The life of a musician can be tough — juggling all those different venues. Gigbooker is designed to help organize all of the most popular venues in one easy to use platform.

How It Works

Access to thousands of venues across the USA

1 | Browse Venues

Explore thousands of local venues right at your fingertips. Easily connect with venues seeking to hire artists just like you.

2 | Contact Venues

Contact venues directly, get gigs, grow your pipeline and network.

3 | Enjoy Your Show!

You’re all set! Have fun at your gig, grow your fan base and let the good times roll.

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